Course Content
Core Java
About Lesson
Feature Interface Abstract Class
Definition A reference type that can contain only abstract methods (until Java 7), default methods, static methods (Java 8+), and constants. Interface can’t provide the implementation of abstract class. A class that cannot be instantiated and can contain abstract methods as well as concrete methods. Abstract class can provide the implementation of interface.
Purpose To define a contract that implementing classes must follow. To provide a common base for subclasses to extend, including common methods and fields.
Syntax public interface MyInterface { … } public abstract class MyAbstractClass { … }
Instantiation Cannot be instantiated directly. Cannot be instantiated directly.
Multiple Inheritance A class can implement multiple interfaces. A class can extend only one abstract class.
Method Implementation Cannot have method implementations (until Java 7). Java 8+ allows default and static methods. Can have both abstract methods (without implementation) and concrete methods (with implementation).
Default Methods Supported (from Java 8 onwards). Not applicable.
Static Methods Supported (from Java 8 onwards). Supported.
Fields Can only contain static final constants. Can contain instance variables and static variables.
Access Modifiers for Methods All methods are implicitly public and abstract (until Java 7). Java 8+ allows public and default for default methods, public and private for static methods. Methods can be public, protected, private, or package-private.
Access Modifiers for Fields Fields are implicitly public, static, and final. Fields can have any access modifier (public, protected, private, or package-private).
Constructors Interfaces do not have constructors. Can have constructors, which are called when a subclass is instantiated.
Use Case Used to define a contract for multiple unrelated classes to implement. Used to define common behavior and state that can be inherited by related classes.
Inheritance Keyword implements keyword is used by classes to implement an interface. extends keyword is used by classes to extend an abstract class.

When to use which


  • Use interfaces when you need to provide a contract for multiple unrelated classes to implement.
  • Use interfaces to achieve multiple inheritance-like behavior in Java.
  • Use interfaces for maximum flexibility and loose coupling.

Abstract Class

  • Use abstract classes when you want to define a common base for related classes to inherit from.
  • Use abstract classes when you need to provide default behavior along with abstract methods.
  • Use abstract classes when you want to provide a template for subclasses to follow.

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